Women as life partners, are at about the lowest they have ever been, in terms of reliability in relationships/marriages. But why? When the going gets tough, the women get the going.  Much of it, I believe, has to do with the wave of hyper- feminism that has taken place in the last 10-15 yrs.  This is the FINAL phase of the feminist plan, dating back decades ago.   The final phase of the feminist agenda IS the modern woman.   The modern woman is at war with men and their own femininity.  The modern woman rejects traditional woman roles and look to not become equals with men, but to essentially eliminate the need for men.  There is no escaping the modern woman, unless you are living in a compound somewhere in the middle of nowhere and use a time machine to bring a woman from the 1990’s/early 2000’s.  Whether it is in the dating marketplace, the workplace, or in your personal life, you will have to deal with the modern woman.  Here I will help to shed light on how to best deal the modern woman, and how to date them.  Before you go out and try to date the modern woman, you must first understand the psychology of them.  Like with anything else, before you start something, you want to have a good grasp of what you are dealing with, so you will know how to best approach it.   

Modern Woman: Defined

So, what exactly is the modern woman? Are there real differences between the modern woman and the traditional woman? While there is no “official” dictionary definition of what defines a modern woman, you could most readily identify them as women who place more importance on education and their careers than on creating a family. At first glance, one may say how is this problematic? The problems become clearer when these modern women enter the dating marketplace. Women are no longer approaching dating as a means to obtain an eventual husband. More than ever before, women are using men to obtain free things, with no serious intention on forming a romantic relationship with them.  Why is this? I believe this is because of what I stated earlier in my definition of the modern woman. College degrees and the pursuit of a spot in corporate America has overtaken the goal of wanting to be a man’s wife and have children. Ironically, the average modern woman sees men the way a stereotypical male chauvinist would. Men are devalued and looked at as not being necessary.

Rivals/Competitors Instead of Help Mates

Another consequence of the emergence of the modern woman, is the heighten gender wars.  The war of the sexes has reached a fevered pitch.  It has gotten to a point where women are literally believing that they can fight and dominate men.  Women are competing with men in the workplace.  Women are attempting to even DATE like men. Women are getting down on one knee and are literally asking for men’s hand in marriage. This new growing dating approach women invariably does not have the desired dating outcomes women claim they want.

How to Date The Modern Woman

A new wave of dating ideology for men is out there, some of it is good, some not so much.  One of the growing trends is the hashtag, NO DINNER DATES.  Now, this is a very controversial statement for several reasons.  The statement defies all previous courtship strategies.  It defies traditional social norms that were passed down by our forefathers.  It would certainly cause most women to lose their minds.  And you know what??? I agree with it. WHY?  Like stated before, the modern woman is something that we, as men, have never seen before.  Never in history have men had to deal with what they are dealing with the modern woman.  For this reason, men need to adopt new and innovative strategies to combat this new age women.  I’m sure that you all have heard of a guy (or maybe happened to you) where he takes out a girl to a nice restaurant, then either never hears from her again or worse, proceeds to get strung along for a period of time so she can receive free meals and other goodies and giveaways.  Then at some point she proceeds to break it off with him for a guy who she is serious about.  Why would you want to invest into someone who is not serious about you?  By not taking them out on dinner dates, you are able to gauge true interest.  Instead of a dinner date at a restaurant, why don’t you let me cook for you? Or we can make a meal together? How about take a walk in the park? Or maybe a trip to a museum?  Could be a walk on the beach or your harbor area? As men in the dating scene, your most important mission is to be define what is real and what is not with a woman.

Do Not Allow Yourself To Be Bullied

As stated in the previous section, there is a more than a respectable percentage of women in today’s society who believe asking for your boyfriend’s hand in marriage is perfectly fine. If they have to ask for their boyfriend’s hand in marriage, then it is safe to assume that the boyfriend is probably being somewhat bullied into marriage. Modern women have a tendency to bully and manipulate men into doing things that may not be in their best interest. I have literally heard women use the word “bully” to describe their intentions for men.

Learning to Say No and Sticking to It

As simple as it may sounds, learning to say no to the modern woman is a powerful tool to have. The modern woman is not used to hearing the word “no”. In a world where phrases such as, “toxic masculinity” and “male feminist” (more to come on this topic) are often thrown around to paralyze and confuse the masses of boys and men, saying no to a girl or a woman is frowned upon. To put it simply, women today are not used to men standing up to them and telling them no. A firm but respectful no puts the modern woman back into a place of respect with you. Outwardly they will be upset with you and may even try to insult you but inside they will be thinking, “damn, I can’t bully this guy. He is going to stand up to me. There is a limit to where I can take things with him.” Telling a woman no sets boundaries and trust me men, women need to know what your boundaries are. You gotta learn how to say no to them sometimes fellas.

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